TNSC Workshops
The Tennessee Sustainability Conference is partnering with the TN Department of Environment and Conservation to host multiple workshops on August 20th & 21st, 2024 at the Park Vista Hotel. If you plan to attend the workshops, registration can be found here. For more information and to register, visit the registration page.
Air Permitting Workshop
The air permitting workshop will be a full day on August 20, with the morning session providing a general overview of Tennessee air quality and permitting information that applies to both large and small sources of air pollution in Tennessee. The afternoon will be split into two sessions in Mountainview rooms BB & C. Lunch provided in ballroom downstairs
Pollution Preventation Workshop
This workshop will be on August 21st at Park Vista and in room Mountainview BB upstairs. The 2024 Tennessee Pollution Prevention Workshop is focused on manufacturing professionals committed to environmental excellence. The workshop will provide a diverse array of presentations, designed to help manufacturers implement effective pollution prevention measures. By bringing together case studies, technical expertise, and sustainability best practices, the workshop aims to equip participants with the knowledge and tools needed to lead the way in pollution prevention and environmental stewardship. This workshop will be on August 21st at Park Vista and in room Mountainview BB upstairs. This workshop is free with conference admission.
Storm Water Workshop
This workshop will be August 20th at Park Vista Hotel in Gardenview C & D upstairs
Learn Best Practices: Discover effective stormwater management techniques.
Regulatory & Legislative Updates: Stay informed about the latest news from TDEC & EPA.
Networking Opportunities: Connect with industry experts.
Lunch provided in ballroom downstairs.
Grants Workshop
The workshop will review upcoming grants & the Grant Management System from TDEC Division of Solid Waste Materials Management from 1:00 pm to 3:30 pm on August 20th at Park Vista hotel in room Gardenview E Downstairs. Grants included are Recycling Equipment, HHW, Recycling Rebate, Used Oil, Education and Outreach, plus others. This workshop is free with conference admission.
Haz-Waste Training
This workshop will be August 20th from 1:00 to 4:00 pm at Park Vista Hotel in Gardenview A & B downstairs.
Hazardous Waste Introduction – Options for Household Hazardous Waste management, and Hazardous Waste Generator Category and Management Criteria
Very Small Quantity Generators, Small Quantity Generators, and Large Quantity Generators
Time 1:00 to 1:50 p,
2.Lithium-ion Batteries – How the Hazardous Waste Regulations for Universal Waste and Recycling Apply
Time 2:00 to 2:50 pm
3. Maintenance Garage Hazardous Waste Generation, and the 10-Most Common Hazardous Waste Violations
Time 3:00 to 3:50 pm.
Landfill Operator Certification Training Workshop
This workshop will be on August 21st at Park Vista Hotel in Mountainview C & D upstairs. The workshop is free and an 8-hour Landfill Operator Refresher Couser. Click here for the agenda.
Lunch on your own.
Workshop information will be updated daily.